About Ashita Saini

Ashita Saini is a CA final student pursuing her articleship at Goyal Mangal & Co from past 1 year. She is well versed with tally, MS Excel, taxation, auditing and is keenly interested in accounting and finance related work of various sectors of economy.

Land and Building is considered to be an ideal investment and revenue generating source in Indian society. This believes is backed by the high capital return and increased market value over the years of buying the property. Due to this many people started investing in land and property, thus making loads of profit over the…

Companies rely on funds to manage the affairs of their business successfully. Shareholders in a company play a vital role in raising funds, and in that process, they become its stakeholders. They exercise control over the share of profits in proportion to the money they invest. Dividend is known as the share of profit by…

Non-Governmental organizations are autonomous organization that neither form part of a government nor was originated by any state. Therefore, it is free from government involvement. These organizations are set up or initiated by group of individual or citizens across the globe who intend to serve their members or others in several ways for their betterment….

Leave Travel Allowance (LTA) is the most common element of compensation adopted by employers to remunerate employees due to the tax benefits attached to it. LTA is the remuneration paid by an employer for employee’s travel in the country, when he is on leave with the family or alone. LTA amount is tax free. LTA…

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